About Algy by DeMoulin

You dream, we create, for more than 85 years.
From Main Street to Broadway and around the world, Algy products have taken center stage. After three generations of independent family ownership, we are proud to be a part of DeMoulin Brothers and Company. Since acquiring assets in 2021, Algy by DeMoulin now has the buying power and resources to exceed your (and our) wildest dreams.
From our humble beginnings in Manhattan’s garment district, we strove to bring value and quality costumes and accessories to our clients. Back then, you could source everything you needed within a three-block radius. Things have changed a lot since 1937 and in today’s competitive environment we need to be able to source directly from locations around the world as well as around the block.
Our customers are agile. They have to be, to perform the way they do. Whether it’s a triple pirouette or catching a quad, or both at the same time, today’s performers step up. New designs, both catalog and custom have always been important to you. DeMoulin brings an added wealth of designers, sales managers, purchasers, and acquisition specialists. The new Algy by DeMoulin brand will adhere to our philosophy of creativity and value in a high quality package.
Together we are going to make great things happen! Just watch and see.